Little Owl Athene noctua, small, active in the daytime and very cute
Barn Owl, Kestrel and Little Owl are three of the smaller UK raptors now considered to be depleted in number. Struggling instead of thriving. Of the 20 different species that visit or live permanently in this country, none enjoy the luxury of prolific success or unencumbered existence. Does it matter?… Fluctuation or decline, BOPH believe that either way, its not good.
Barn Owl Tyto alba, most active at dawn and dusk, very beautiful
We want more information and we want you to enjoy learning more and getting involved.
Kestrel Falco tinnunculus, seen hovering over field edges in the daytime, a delicate falcon
100% of any donations received will go towards both improving our educational presentations for BOPH Barn Owl Project Hampshire and the resources for the Bird of Prey Hospital, where orphaned or injured birds are offered the chance of return to life in the wild.
Barn Owl Project Hampshire wish to mention that all views are personal and all information and details are as accurate and straightforward as we can present them.
The Question is… WHY?
Generations have now witnessed DECLINE in SPECIES, these are words seen daily in the press, on the television and discussed by the world. Yet the major contributing factor that threatens all wild species is MAN. Globally, we have never before been so aware of the devastation of many species. Yet even more worrying is the fact that space to live in coexistence is becoming more of a challenge daily.
Focus on world change is consuming, often heartbreaking but mostly exasperating. We all feel affected by something! Yet we also feel helpless to stop the progression of change. Weary of social media reports of world scale demise of species, BOPH Barn Owl Project Hampshire evolved, joined forces and made a choice, because we know that concerns which are right on our doorstep can be supported and improved.
Raptors and Falconry have enticed, enthralled and excited man forever…
RAPTOR is an old word!
An uncertain future for UK young Barn Owls. Barn Owl Project Hampshire believe that nest boxes help tremendously, but foraging for natural food is becoming a significant struggle. Which came first, the Rat or the Barn Owl? We think it is time we addressed our attitude and treatment of Rats because it directly affects the Barn Owls…